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API Reference

multitaper_spectrogram(data, fs, time_step, window_length, NW=4.0, n_tapers=None, freq_range=None, weight_type='unity', detrend='constant', nfft=None, db_scale=True, p_ref=2e-05)

Compute the multitaper PSD of the input data.


Name Type Description Default
data NDArray

(n_samples,) Input data

fs int

Sampling frequency

time_step float

Time step between frames in seconds

window_length float

Window length in seconds

NW float

NW value, see notes for details. Defaults to 4.0.

n_tapers Optional[int]

The max number of tapers, if None, will be set to NW*2+1. Defaults to None.

freq_range Optional[list]

The desired frequency range. If None, will be set to [0, fs/2]. Defaults to None.

weight_type Literal['unity', 'eig']

The type of weights among tapers. Defaults to "unity".

detrend Literal['constant', 'linear', 'off']

Whether and how to detrend the signal. Defaults to "constant".

nfft Optional[int]

The number of FFT points. If None, will be set to the smallest power of 2 that is larger than the window length. Defaults to None.

db_scale bool

Whether convert the result to db scale, i.e. 10log10(psd/p_ref**2). Defaults to True.

p_ref float

If db_scale is True, the p_ref value used in the dB conversion. Defaults to 2e-5.


The value of 2W is the regularization bandwidth. Typically, we choose W to be a small multiple of the fundamental frequency 1/(Ndt) (where N is the number of samples in the data), i.e. W=i/(Ndt). The value of the parameter NW here is in fact the value of i (when dt is seen as 1). There's a trade-off between frequency resolution and variance reduction: A larger NW will reduce the variance of the PSD estimate, but also reduce the frequency resolution.


Name Type Description
times NDArray

(n_frames,) Time points of each frame

freqs NDArray

(n_freqs,) Frequency points of the spectrogram

psd NDArray

(n_freqs,n_frames) PSD spectrogram


>>> times,freqs,psd = multitaper_spectrogram(data,fs,time_step=0.001,window_length=0.005,NW=4)
Source code in src\pymultitaper\
def multitaper_spectrogram(data:NDArray,fs:int,time_step:float,window_length:float,NW:float=4.0,n_tapers:Optional[int]=None,freq_range:Optional[list]=None,weight_type:Literal["unity","eig"]="unity",detrend:Literal["constant","linear","off"]="constant",nfft:Optional[int]=None,db_scale:bool=True,p_ref:float=2e-5)-> Tuple[NDArray,NDArray,NDArray]:
    Compute the multitaper PSD of the input data.

        data (NDArray): (n_samples,) Input data
        fs (int): Sampling frequency
        time_step (float): Time step between frames in seconds
        window_length (float): Window length in seconds
        NW (float, optional): NW value, see notes for details. Defaults to 4.0.
        n_tapers (Optional[int], optional): The max number of tapers, if `None`, will be set to NW*2+1. Defaults to None.
        freq_range (Optional[list], optional): The desired frequency range. If `None`, will be set to [0, fs/2]. Defaults to None.
        weight_type (Literal["unity","eig"], optional): The type of weights among tapers. Defaults to "unity".
        detrend (Literal["constant","linear","off"], optional): Whether and how to detrend the signal. Defaults to "constant".
        nfft (Optional[int], optional): The number of FFT points. If `None`, will be set to the smallest power of 2 that is larger than the window length. Defaults to None.
        db_scale (bool, optional): Whether convert the result to db scale, i.e. 10log10(psd/p_ref**2). Defaults to True.
        p_ref (float, optional): If `db_scale` is `True`, the `p_ref` value used in the dB conversion. Defaults to 2e-5.

        The value of 2W is the regularization bandwidth. Typically, we choose W to be a small multiple of the fundamental frequency 1/(N*dt) (where N is the number of samples in the data), i.e. W=i/(N*dt). The value of the parameter `NW` here is in fact the value of i (when dt is seen as 1). There's a trade-off between frequency resolution and variance reduction: A larger `NW` will reduce the variance of the PSD estimate, but also reduce the frequency resolution. 

        times (NDArray): (n_frames,) Time points of each frame
        freqs (NDArray): (n_freqs,) Frequency points of the spectrogram
        psd (NDArray): (n_freqs,n_frames) PSD spectrogram

        >>> times,freqs,psd = multitaper_spectrogram(data,fs,time_step=0.001,window_length=0.005,NW=4)
    # (nfft,n_frames)
    if n_tapers is None:
        # Note: NW may be a float number
        n_tapers = np.floor(2*NW-1).astype(int)
    n_winlen = int(window_length*fs)
    tapers,weights = _get_dpss_windows(n_winlen,NW,n_tapers,weight_type)
    return _spectrogram(data=data,fs=fs,time_step=time_step,win=tapers,weights=weights,freq_range=freq_range,detrend=detrend,nfft=nfft,db_scale=db_scale,p_ref=p_ref)

plot_spectrogram(times, freqs, psd, ax=None, **kwargs)

Plot the spectrogram.

Note: Convert the spectrogram to dB scale (set db_scale to True in the spectrogram functions, or convert it manually) before plotting, otherwise the plot may not be very informative.


Name Type Description Default
times (n_frames)

Time points of each frame

freqs (n_freqs)

Frequency points of the spectrogram

psd (n_freqs, n_frames)

PSD spectrogram

ax Optional[Axes]

The Axes object to plot the spectrogram. If None, a new figure will be created. Defaults to None.


Additional arguments to ax.pcolormesh



Name Type Description
fig Figure

The figure object

ax Axes

The Axes object


>>> f,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
>>> plot_spectrogram(times,freqs,psd,ax=ax,cmap="viridis")
Source code in src\pymultitaper\
def plot_spectrogram(times:NDArray,freqs:NDArray,psd:NDArray,ax:Optional[plt.Axes]=None,**kwargs)-> tuple:
    Plot the spectrogram.

    Note: Convert the spectrogram to dB scale (set `db_scale` to `True` in the spectrogram functions, or convert it manually) before plotting, otherwise the plot may not be very informative.

        times (n_frames,): Time points of each frame
        freqs (n_freqs,): Frequency points of the spectrogram
        psd (n_freqs,n_frames): PSD spectrogram
        ax (Optional[plt.Axes], optional): The Axes object to plot the spectrogram. If `None`, a new figure will be created. Defaults to None.
        **kwargs: Additional arguments to `ax.pcolormesh`

        fig (plt.Figure): The figure object
        ax (plt.Axes): The Axes object

        >>> f,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
        >>> plot_spectrogram(times,freqs,psd,ax=ax,cmap="viridis")
    if ax is None:
        fig,ax = plt.subplots()
        fig = ax.figure
    mesh = ax.pcolormesh(times,freqs,psd,**kwargs)
    ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)")
    ax.set_ylabel("Frequency (Hz)")
    return fig,ax

plot_spectrum(times, freqs, psd, time, ax=None, **kwargs)

Plot the spectrum at a specific time point.


Name Type Description Default
times (n_frames)

Time points of each frame

freqs (n_freqs)

Frequency points of the spectrogram

psd (n_freqs, n_frames)

PSD spectrogram

time float

The time point to plot the spectrum

ax Optional[Axes]

The Axes object to plot the spectrum. If None, a new figure will be created. Defaults to None.


Additional arguments to ax.plot



Name Type Description
fig Figure

The figure object

ax Axes

The Axes object


>>> f,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
>>> plot_spectrum(times,freqs,psd,time=0.7,ax=ax)
Source code in src\pymultitaper\
def plot_spectrum(times:NDArray,freqs:NDArray,psd:NDArray,time:float,ax:Optional[plt.Axes]=None,**kwargs)-> tuple:

    Plot the spectrum at a specific time point.

        times (n_frames,): Time points of each frame
        freqs (n_freqs,): Frequency points of the spectrogram
        psd (n_freqs,n_frames): PSD spectrogram
        time (float): The time point to plot the spectrum
        ax (Optional[plt.Axes], optional): The Axes object to plot the spectrum. If `None`, a new figure will be created. Defaults to None.
        **kwargs: Additional arguments to `ax.plot`

        fig (plt.Figure): The figure object
        ax (plt.Axes): The Axes object

        >>> f,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
        >>> plot_spectrum(times,freqs,psd,time=0.7,ax=ax)
    if ax is None:
        fig,ax = plt.subplots()
        fig = ax.figure
    idx = np.argmin(np.abs(times-time))
    ax.set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")
    ax.set_ylabel("PSD (dB)")
    ax.set_title(f"Spectrum at time {time}s")
    return fig,ax

spectrogram(data, fs, time_step, window_length, window_shape='hamming', freq_range=None, detrend='constant', nfft=None, db_scale=True, p_ref=2e-05)

Compute the ordinary (single-taper) PSD of the input data. This is similar to scipy.signal.spectrogram.


Name Type Description Default
data NDArray

(n_samples,) Input data

fs int

Sampling frequency

time_step float

Time step between frames in seconds

window_length float

Window length in seconds

window_shape Union[str, tuple]

The shape of the window function. Defaults to "hamming".

freq_range Optional[list]

The desired frequency range. If None, will be set to [0, fs/2]. Defaults to None.

detrend Literal['constant', 'linear', 'off']

Whether and how to detrend the signal. Defaults to "constant".

nfft Optional[int]

The number of FFT points. If None, will be set to the smallest power of 2 that is larger than the window length. Defaults to None.

db_scale bool

Whether convert the result to db scale, i.e. 10log10(psd/p_ref**2). Defaults to True.

p_ref float

If db_scale is True, the p_ref value used in the dB conversion. Defaults to 2e-5.



Name Type Description
times NDArray

(n_frames,) Time points of each frame

freqs NDArray

(n_freqs,) Frequency points of the spectrogram

psd NDArray

(n_freqs,n_frames) PSD spectrogram


>>> times,freqs,psd = spectrogram(data,fs,time_step=0.001,window_length=0.005)
Source code in src\pymultitaper\
def spectrogram(data:NDArray,fs:int,time_step:float,window_length:float,window_shape:Union[str,tuple]="hamming",freq_range:Optional[list]=None,detrend:Literal["constant","linear","off"]="constant",nfft:Optional[int]=None,db_scale:bool=True,p_ref:float=2e-5)-> Tuple[NDArray,NDArray,NDArray]:
    Compute the ordinary (single-taper) PSD of the input data. This is similar to `scipy.signal.spectrogram`.

        data (NDArray): (n_samples,) Input data
        fs (int): Sampling frequency
        time_step (float): Time step between frames in seconds
        window_length (float): Window length in seconds
        window_shape (Union[str,tuple], optional): The shape of the window function. Defaults to "hamming".
        freq_range (Optional[list], optional): The desired frequency range. If `None`, will be set to [0, fs/2]. Defaults to None.
        detrend (Literal["constant","linear","off"], optional): Whether and how to detrend the signal. Defaults to "constant".
        nfft (Optional[int], optional): The number of FFT points. If `None`, will be set to the smallest power of 2 that is larger than the window length. Defaults to None.
        db_scale (bool, optional): Whether convert the result to db scale, i.e. 10log10(psd/p_ref**2). Defaults to True.
        p_ref (float, optional): If `db_scale` is `True`, the `p_ref` value used in the dB conversion. Defaults to 2e-5.

        times (NDArray): (n_frames,) Time points of each frame
        freqs (NDArray): (n_freqs,) Frequency points of the spectrogram
        psd (NDArray): (n_freqs,n_frames) PSD spectrogram

        >>> times,freqs,psd = spectrogram(data,fs,time_step=0.001,window_length=0.005)

    n_winlen = int(window_length*fs)
    win,weights = _get_1d_window(window_shape,n_winlen)
    return _spectrogram(data=data,fs=fs,time_step=time_step,win=win,weights=weights,freq_range=freq_range,detrend=detrend,nfft=nfft,db_scale=db_scale,p_ref=p_ref)